Getting connected

Connecting to a terminal

When on the AUB network (also valid when connected through the VPN service ), any of the following methods can be used to login to the head node of the cluster.

ssh   # preferred
ssh    # optional  (not recommended)
ssh    # optional  (not recommended)
ssh my_user_name@       # last resort (if all of the above do not work)
TIP: Passwordless login can be set up to avoid typing the password everytime and

is safer than saving the password in the ssh client or re-typing it.


SECURITY: make sure to change your account password after the administrators have created your account. To change the account password after logging in, use the command passwd


direct ssh access to the compute nodes is disabled and not allowed.

Tools for connecting

Any of the following can be used to connect to Octopus:

Generating a ssh private-public key pair

SSH keys can be used to authenticate yourself to login to the cluster. This is the recommended method and is more secure than typing in password or saving the passowrd in the ssh client (e.g putty). The generated key pair will allow you to login to the cluster from your local machine.

my machine         ---------->    HPC cluster
(linux/win/mac)                   (linux)

on linux and mac

To generate the key files:

- public key : ``~/.ssh/``
- private key: ``~/.ssh/id_rsa``

execute the following command in a terminal on you machine:

# create the ssh directory and set the correct permission flag
my machine> mkdir -p ~/.ssh
my machine> chmod 700 ~/.ssh

 # first generate an ssh key on A
 my machine> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa


this will overwrite any keys that already exist. You can specify a new identity name using the -f my_ouptut_keyfie


this same process can be done on windows also from the command line assuming that you already have openssh installed. (e.g using msys2)


on windwows using mobaxterm

Mobaxterm can be used to generate a ssh private-public key pair. <screencast>

Login to the HPC cluster using a ssh public key

At this point, it is assumed that you already have a ssh identity (public-private key pair). If not, see the section above.

on linux/mac

to push your public key to the cluster, the command ssh-copy-id can be used.

$ ssh-copy-id -i id_rsa

To test if the key has been added correctly:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa


on windows using mobaxterm

The second part of the following screencast covers using mobaxterm and a ssh identity to log in without a password.

Connecting to a graphical user interface

VNC session are useful only if you want to have a desktop like environment that runs on the HPC cluster but is displayed on your computer with which the user can interact (e.g with a mouse). Such desktop environments are useful for example for lightweight visualizations of data that are rendered on the HPC cluster or for testing and prototyping. In this section the procedure for creating a VNC session on the head node is described.


VNC session on the head node should be restricted for non-compute or memory or input/output intensive tasks. For demanding interative work with a desktop environment use the job script for running a VNC server on a compute node that has signifincantly more resources than the head node and significantly more rendering power on the GPU nodes.

VNC session are not needed for command line work or for running batch batch.

VNC clients

VNC is a simple way to join a remote desktop session on the cluster. There are several flavours and clients of VNC. We recommend the following:

TigerVNC can be easily installed on most linux operating systems. RealVNC is more user freindly and is available for most common operating systems.

Creating SSH tunnels

SSH tunnels are handy for redirecting traffic from one host/port to another. Here are some links on how to create tunnels on various platforms, since we will be using them in what follows: