Oil and Gas Applications

Eclipse - Petrel

Copying Example Data

Firstly, copy the example data from the provided directory to your home directory. You can do this with the following command:

cp -fvr /apps/sw/petrel_2019.2/2019.2/eclipse/data/ ~/eclipse_example_data

Loading the Module

Before running any simulations, make sure to load the eclipse module using the following command:

module load eclipse

Running the Simulation

To run the simulation with the GASWATER.DATA file, use the following command:


Note that while Windows is case-insensitive, Linux is case-sensitive, so ensure the filename is written in all uppercase letters.

cd ~/eclipse_example_data
eclrun eclipse GASWATER.DATA

Modifying Parallel Execution Settings

To modify the simulation to utilize more than one core, you will need to edit the PARALLEL directive in the input data file, GASWATER.DATA. Set it to the desired number of cores.

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Running with MPI

To run the simulation in parallel using MPI, generate a hostfile using srun, then specify the hostfile, number of processes, and number of threads per process when invoking eclrun. Here is an example of how to do this:

module load mpi/openmpi
srun hostname > hostfile.out
eclrun --hostfile hostfile.out --np 2 --threads 8 eclipse U22.DATA

In this example, we are specifying 2 MPI processes (–np 2) and 8 threads per process (–threads 8). Ensure the U22.DATA file name is in uppercase, as Linux is case-sensitive.