The Matlab environment ====================== Overview ^^^^^^^^ Matlab can be used on the cluster in several configurations. - run jobs directly on the compute nodes of the cluster (recommended) + out of the box parallelism up to 64 cores (a full max size node) + full parallelism on the cluster (guide not available yet) - run jobs on a client and use the cluster as a backend (requires setup). + supports windows clients + supports linux and mac clients Matlab as a client on Windows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This configuration allows the user to use ``MATLAB`` on a local machine e.g. a laptop or a terminal on the AUB network and run the heavy computations sections of a ``Matlab`` program/script on the HPC cluster. After the execution on the HPC cluster is complete the results are transparently retrieved by ``MATLAB`` and shown in the matlab workspace on the client. For this use case, the user does not have to login (or interact) with the HPC cluster. .. note:: this section of the guide has been tested with Matlab 2019b make sure you have the same version on the client machine. .. note:: Multiple such parallel configuration can co-exist and can be selected at runtime. Setting up a Matlab 2019b client ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pre-requisites: - Matlab 2019b installed on the client. - ` `_ folder to be extracted in the integration folder - :download:`Octopus Matlab 2019b client settings ` - A working directory (folder) on your ā€œCā€ or ā€œDā€ drive. - Have your Matlab code modified to exploit parallelism. - Once ```` is downloaded, extract it to ``Documents\MATLAB`` (shown in screenshot below) or to the corresponding directory of your non-default Matlab installation directory: .. figure:: imgs/matlab/2019b/screenshots/matlab_screenshot_set_path.png :scale: 100 % :alt: - Open Matlab R2019b on the client machine (e.g your laptop) + Select ``Set Path`` (under HOME -> ENVIRONMENT) + Click on ``Add Folder`` + Browse to ``Documents\MATLAB\slurm\nonshared`` + Click save - To import the ``octopus.mlsettings`` profile: + click on ``Parallel`` + click on ``Manage Cluster Profiles`` .. figure:: imgs/matlab/2019b/screenshots/matlab_screenshot_2.png :scale: 100 % :alt: + Choose ``Import`` then browse to ``octopus.mlsettings`` file (downloaded in step 3 in the Pre-requisites section above) .. figure:: imgs/matlab/2019b/screenshots/matlab_screenshot_3.png :scale: 100 % :alt: + Once the ``octopus.mlsettings`` profile gets loaded, select it, click on ``Edit``, and modify the ``RemoteJobStorageLocation`` by using a path on your HPC account (make sure to change the ```` to your username). .. figure:: imgs/matlab/2019b/screenshots/matlab_screenshot_remote_job_storage_location.png :scale: 100 % :alt: + You can choose which queue to work on through modifying ``AdditionalSubmitArgs``: + You can modify the number of cores to be used on HPC cluster (e.g. 4,6,8,10,12) through ``NumWorkers`` - When finished, press done and make sure to set the HPC profile as ``Default``. - Press ``validate`` to validate the parallel configuratin. .. figure:: imgs/matlab/2019b/screenshots/matlab_screenshot_validation.png :width: 1204px :height: 360px :scale: 100 % :alt: Client batch job example ++++++++++++++++++++++++ :download:`Below ` is a sample Matlab program for submitting independent jobs on the cluster. In this script four functions are exectued on the cluster and the results are collected back one job a time back to back in blocking mode (this can be improved on but that is beyond the scope of this guide). .. code-block:: matlab clc; clear; % run a function locally output_local = my_linalg_function(80, 300); % run 4 jobs on the cluster, wait for the remote jobs to finish % and fetch the results. cluster = parcluster('Octopus'); % run the jobs (asyncroneously) for i=1:4 jobs(i) = batch(cluster, @my_linalg_function, 1, {80, 600}); end % wait for the jobs to finish for i=1:4 status = wait(jobs(i)); outputs(i) = fetchOutputs(jobs(i)); end % define a function that does some linaer algebra function results = my_linalg_function(n_iters, mat_sz) results = zeros(n_iters, 1); for i = 1:n_iters results(i) = max(abs(eig(rand(mat_sz)))); end end .. note:: Fetching outputs will fail if more than one instance of Matlab is connecting to the cluster for that user. So two Matlab instances on the same client or two Matlab instances on two different clients (one on each client) will cause the synchronization of job results with SLURM to fail. to correct this, you must change the JobStorageLocation in the cluster profile (the local folder to which jobs are synched) .. note:: For communicating jobs using shared memory or MPI the jobs should be submitted on the cluster directly and it is not possible to submit such jobs through the client in the configuration described above. Matlab on the compute nodes of the cluster ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This configuration allows the user to run MATLAB scripts on the HPC cluster directly through the scheduler. Once the jobs are complete the user can choose to transfer the results to a local machine and analyze them or analyze everything on the cluster as well and e.g retrieve a final product that could be a plot or some data files. This setup does not require the user to have matlab installed on their local machine. Serial jobs +++++++++++ No setup is required to run a serial job on the cluster. The following job script (````) can be used to submit a serial job running the matlab script ``my_serial_script.m``. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=matlab-smp #SBATCH --partition=normal #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --mem=16000 #SBATCH --time=0-01:00:00 module load matlab/2018b matlab -nodisplay -r "run('my_smp_script.m'); exit" > matlab_${SLURM_JOBID}.out .. code-block:: matlab tic values = zeros(200); for i = 1:size(values, 2) values(i) = sum(abs(eig(rand(800)))); end toc disp(sum(sum(values))); The following should be present in the output .. code-block:: text Elapsed time is 113.542701 seconds. checksum = 9.492791e+05 .. note:: the ``Elapsed time`` could vary slightly since the execution time depends on the load of the compute node (if it is not the only running process) and the ``checksum`` could vary slightly since it is based on randon numbers. Single node (shared memory - SMP) parallel jobs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ No setup is required to run a shared memory job on the cluster. Whenever parallelism is required, Matlab will spawn the needed workers on the local compute node. The following job script (````) can be used to submit a serial job running the matlab script ``my_smp_script.m``. .. note:: the only differences with a serial job are: - the names of the script. - ``--nodes=1`` must be specified otherwise the resources would be allocated on other nodes and would not be accessible by matlab. - specify the parallel profile in the ``.m`` script e.g ``parpool('local', 64)`` - ``for`` is replaced with ``parfor`` in the ``.m`` matlab script. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=matlab-smp #SBATCH --partition=normal #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=64 #SBATCH --mem=16000 #SBATCH --time=0-01:00:00 module load matlab/2018b matlab -nodisplay -r "run('my_smp_script.m'); exit" > matlab_${SLURM_JOBID}.out for example, the content of ``my_smp_script.m`` could be: .. code-block:: matlab parpool('local', 64) tic values = zeros(200); parfor i = 1:size(values, 2) values(i) = min(eig(rand(800))); end toc The following should be present in the output .. code-block:: text Elapsed time is 10.660034 seconds. checksum = 9.492312e+05 .. note:: the ``Elapsed time`` could vary slightly since the execution time depends on the load of the compute node (if it is not the only running process) and the ``checksum`` could vary slightly since it is based on randon numbers.