Interactive jobs - Desktop environment on a compute nodes --------------------------------------------------------- .. _interactive_job_octopus_anchor: Interactive jobs give the user a desktop like environment on a compute node. Such jobs are useful for tasks where user interactions / input are needed. For example, although ``matlab`` or ``Ansys Fluent`` jobs can be run as batch jobs through the command line or scripts, sometimes interacting with their GUIs is necessary. Recommended workflow ++++++++++++++++++++ 1) :ref:`Create the VNC configuration `. This step is done when the account is created and hence can be skipped. Execute the procedure described there if your VNC configuration does not exist or is corrupted. 2) :ref:`submit the job script ` ( e.g ``sbatch``) 3) Get the port number after the job starts running from e.g slurm-166866.out get the VNC port number ``VNC_HEAD_PORT = 5201``. 4) :ref:`create the tunnel `. 5) connect using a vnc viewer to the vnc session running on the compute using e.g ``localhost:5201`` An interactive job on a compute node ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the interactive job script is submitted, a vnc session is created on the compute node. The session is terminated when the job exits or when the job is killed. To connect to the vnc session using a vnc viewer (client) a tunnel to the ``VNC_HEAD_PORT`` that is specified in the job script below should be created. .. figure:: imgs/interactive_work_on_compute_nodes.png :scale: 100 % :alt: details ^^^^^^^^ Create/edit folder and files ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _create_vnc_configuration: - first check if the folder ``.vnc`` exists and has the following two files: ``xstartup`` and ``config`` by executing: .. code-block:: bash ls ~/.vnc the output should show .. code-block:: bash config xstartup If these files don't exist, create them by copying the settings from a pre-defined directory on the shared filesystem ``/home/shared/sample_scripts/slurm_vnc_job`` .. code-block:: bash rm -fvr ~/.vnc cp -fvr /home/shared/sample_scripts/slurm_vnc_job/.vnc ~/ chown -Rc $USER ~/.vnc cp /home/shared/sample_scripts/slurm_vnc_job/ ~/ set the vnc password by executing the command (set a strong password that is at least 12 characters long) .. code-block:: bash vncpasswd # optionally set a view only password submit the job ++++++++++++++ .. _submit_vnc_job: The following job script can be used as a template and the resources options can be changed to meet the demands of a particular simulation. This job script is also included in ~/.vnc folder. After submitting the job, the ``VNC_HEAD_PORT`` is written to the ``slurm-JOBID.out`` file. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash ## specify the job and project name #SBATCH --job-name=my_job_name #SBATCH --account=abc123 ## specify the required resources #SBATCH --partition=normal #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 #SBATCH --mem=4000 #SBATCH --time=0-01:00:00 ### DO NOT EDIT BEYOND HERE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING source ~/.bashrc VNC_HEAD_PORT=$(random_unused_port) echo "VNC_HEAD_PORT = ${VNC_HEAD_PORT}" JOB_INFO_FPATH=~/.vnc/slurm_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.vnc.out rm -f ${JOB_INFO_FPATH} VNC_SESSION_ID=$(vncserver 2>&1 | grep "desktop is" | tr ":" "\n" | tail -n 1) echo ${VNC_SESSION_ID} >> ${JOB_INFO_FPATH} ssh -R localhost:${VNC_HEAD_PORT}:localhost:$((5900 + ${VNC_SESSION_ID})) ohead1 -N & SSH_TUNNEL_PID=$! echo ${SSH_TUNNEL_PID} >> ${JOB_INFO_FPATH} sleep infinity A copy of this file can be obtained from ``/home/shared/sample_scripts/slurm_vnc_job/``. Altenatively create the file in your ``~/`` directory. The script can be submitted the usual way using ``sbatch``. .. code-block::bash $ sbatch Create a ssh tunnel +++++++++++++++++++ .. _create_vnc_tunnel: On a **local** terminal, use the ``VNC_HEAD_PORT`` written to the ``slurm-JOBID.out`` file to create the tunnel. The tunnel can be created using other application such as ``mobaxterm`` using its `graphical user interface `_. .. code-block:: bash ssh -L localhost::localhost: -N Connect using a vnc viewer (client) to the ssh tunnel on localhost ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you're using RealVNC type in ``localhost:`` or on MobaXterm, ``session -> VNC``: - Remote hostname or IP address: ``localhost`` - port: ````